Welcome to the 2024 MoQP APRS Tracker! 

To be listed on this map.
Put "MOQP XX.XXX" in your APRS comment. (XX.XXX being your current FREQ)
Eg. "MOQP 14.230" if you are on 20mtrs at 14.230

This is an extension of the AMAZING work done by The textual callsign tracker view as well as the usual real-time map will be accessible. The tabular, text view of VaQP station callsigns, their 3 letter county or independent city (C&IC), their time spent in the C&IC (C&IC AGE) and the age (minutes) of their most recent GPS beacon spot (SPOT AGE) will be embedded in the map view as well as accessible as a standalone page for mobile devices.   The automatic detection feature will be available so there is no need to register your call with me as long as you see and follow the info about adding VQP in your Beacon/Text message below.

Stations in a new C&IC less for less than 30 minutes are displayed in bold italic. Stations are sorted newest to oldest by their last GPS beacon time. Lines are color coded greenyellowpink and red for ages  <1<2<3 and 3> hours according to the age of the GPS beacon message.  Calls are aged out if they haven’t generated a beacon in more than 4 hours.

Click on a color county or city (C&IC) for its name and 3-letter designator.  Click on a colored circle (green, yellow, orange, red) to zoom and expand a closely grouped set of APRS stations to reveal their individual callsigns.  Use the buttons on the left of the map to focus on a certain area of Missouri (N, SE, C, SW).

Check out the MO QP site